Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Green light for the LAST treatment

Some of you may already know that I was supposed to have my last chemotherapy on this past Wednesday, the 4th of July. Since my oncologist was off that day, we decided to come in the next day on the 5th. Anyways, Sorin and I were exited for this day, being the last treatment, but my doctor put a stop on the treatment because I complained of some slight discomfort when breathing in some mornings.

The main concern for the doctor was to make sure it was not related to chemotherapy complications, as one of the drugs can affect breathing. After a CT scan of my lungs, which was needed due to my pulmonary function test (which I despise) being slightly different from 6 months ago, we now know that is nothing to be worried about. After meeting with the pulmonologist we are more at ease to know that is nothing to be concerned about.

My oncologist gave me the OK for my last treatment which is scheduled for July 10th in the morning. I will be under supervision with the Cancer Treatment Center for at least 5 years. In about 3-4 months from now I will have another CT scan done and lab work, and from there in 6 months again, and then every year.

This type of cancer is curable, so at this point I am in remission, meaning my lymph nodes are back to the normal size and we want to keep it that way. If I pass the 2 years mark of still being in remission, my chances are much higher (percentage wise) for the disease not to come back. 

This journey that I had for the past 6 months, I do not wish anyone would ever have to take, but unfortunately things happen in a person's life without any reason nor explication. That really makes you become a stronger person, mentally and spiritually. With that said, I would like take the time again to thank every single one of you for keeping me going forward, with tears in my eyes I write this telling you that I could not have done it without you. 

I want to thank my crazy sister in law who has the guts to argue with medical staff when things are not working out as planned.  I want to thank Vic and Raluca for coming with me to be bored during the infusion, when Sorin was busy at work.  I want to thank Cipi and Marius for running in San Diego for me and for Ioana who I am sure is looking over us and putting good words for us up there.

I will keep everyone posted with updates as I continue to be under the supervision of the Cancer Treatment Centers of America staff, how despite the fact that sometimes things don't work out as planned, they are human and do truly care about people going through a tough experience in their life.



  1. Good news Mihaela. God is with you. Best wishes from Cleveland.

  2. Bună ziua tuturor, Valeria Miguel Ángel Din SUA..Texas sunt atât de fericită, împărtășind această mărturie minunată aici, am fost diagnosticat cancerul de colon în stadiul IV. Am verificat soluția pe internet, apoi am ajuns în mod miraculos, prin dr. Itua, medicul puternic care vindecă numeroase boli, cum ar fi: cancerul tiroidian, cancerul uterin, fibromul, angiopatia, ataxia, artrita, scolioza laterală amiotrofică, tumora cerebrală, fibromialgia, toxicitatea fluorochinolonei, cancerul de vezică, cancerul creierului, hiv, herpes, cancer esofagian, cancerul biliar, gestational , Cancer de cap și gât, limfom Hodgkin
    Cancer intestinal, cancer renal, VPH, cancer pulmonar, melanom, mezoteliom, mielom multiplu, tumori neuroendocrine
    Limfom non-Hodgkin, cancer oral, cancer ovarian, cancer sinusal, hepatita A, B / C, cancer de piele, sarcom de țesuturi moi, cancer pancreativ, cancer de coloană vertebrală, cancer de stomac, cancer vaginal, cancer vulgar,
    Cancer testicular, boli Tach, leucemie, cancer la ficat, cancer la gât,
    Sindrom Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresScleroza, boala Alzheimer, Diaree cronică, Copd, Parkinson, Als, Carcinom adrenocortical Mononucleoză infecțioasă. , așa că l-am contactat bazându-mă pe mărturiile pe care le văd despre el pe internet, am fost vindecat și de el, am luat legătura cu el astăzi prin e-mailul pe care îl poate ajuta ..drituaherbalcenter @ gmail.com și medicamentele sale pe bază de plante te eliberezi de orice boli umane, toate îți mulțumesc Dr. Itua pentru ajutorul tău bun în viața mea numărul mobil Whatsapp. +2348149277967
