Thursday, February 16, 2012

Treatment #2, done and over/Tratamentul #2, complet

Yesterday Mihaela went to the clinic at 8am and did not leave until 6pm. Long day!! First they got blood drawn to test the white blood cell count level which was at almost normal range, at about 3.8, normal is 3.9-4.00. They found that Calcium is a little low so she needs to work on that, more coconut milk (dairy has lower calcium by volume when processed in our body) and leafy greens, kale, spinach, broccoli, etc but the naturopath dr recommended some Calcium supplements also. The nutritionist was happy to learn that she gained a couple of pounds. The oncologist was pleased to see that the lymphnodes on the neck decreased significantly, where they are barely palpable (feel them) It is somewhat expected after the first treatment, but doctor seemed excited about it. Afterwards she went upstairs to infusion to get the chemo, she settled in a comfy reclining chair with a pretty good view of the dessert. First they gave the pre meds for nausea and ‘antistress’ stuff that makes you loopy and sleepy; when that is over they start with each of the 4 individual ABVD drugs at the time. It takes a total of 5-6 hours for the entire process. On the bright side they bring you food and fluids/smoothies as one pleases as Mihaela tries to eat and hydrate plenty for the body to sustain the ‘poison’! :)

Got more natural supplements to add to the ‘after treatment’ regiment to take along with the anti-nausea medications. The naturopath prescribed Co-enzyme Q10 and glutamine to help protect the body from the chemo drugs.
The doctor decided to go ahead this time with Neulasta, the shot that improves the white blood count. This should be done 24 hrs after treatment, so on Thursday at 6pm she’ll be there ready and square. It’s a shot they usually do in the belly apparently it gets absorbed in the system faster in the adipose (fatty tissue). Not looking forward to the potential side effects of bone and marrow pain/discomfort. I think they prescribed her something for that too. :)

There might be a problem with the chemo meds in the long run, it seems the clinic is keeping things low profile and do not specifically admit to that but they admit there is a national shortage of various drugs, even simpler ones. Considering the needs, as it seems now, at least 8 treatments/doses, potentially 12, we want to make sure they preorder or ensure the meds will be available. They cannot guarantee it but did say they will do all possible, of course. I guess time will tell. Here's a link from the FDA with national drug shortages

Day 1 after chemo seems OK so far. There is some residue from the loopy drugs from yesterday as she told me earlier today and she is somewhat dragging around the house. Hair started to fall but still not significant, no chunks yet. First sign of that, it will be buzzed and Mihaela will try to compete with Cipi on their best looks:)

We all hope she will feel the same, as in well and good, after this treatment as she did after the first one. From what we understood yesterday, she will feel the same throughout the treatment, as sh did after the first one, which is a good sign
, because she only had a few days of feeling 'flu-like' symptoms, but nothing major or needing to stay in bed for days.

Thank you once again to your continuous support. Please feel free to share the link to this blog to anyone that might be interested.


  1. Mihaela,
    You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers! Stay strong and I know you can make it through this!

  2. Funny little comment about competing with me on hair do's :) Miha, if/when it comes to that, I know you're gonna rock it!!!
    Stay strong!

  3. <3 sending you love. stay strong!

  4. Mihaela,

    I was going to write you on Facebook, but I saw that someone on your page had a link to this blog, I'm glad I found it! You were one of the sweetest girls in our DH class and I know you're strong and will fight through this! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


    P.S. Love your new hair :) super cute!

  5. Hang in there Miha, you're doing great! Sending you love and positive thoughts, Oana & Dan!

  6. Thinking of you and wishing for the best :)

  7. Stay strong and I know you can make it through this! Anca si Mircea

  8. Mihaela,

    Stay strong! You are in our thoughts and prayers! Wishing you the best! Marilena and Eugen Fuciu

  9. Bună ziua tuturor, Valeria Miguel Ángel Din SUA..Texas sunt atât de fericită, împărtășind această mărturie minunată aici, am fost diagnosticat cancerul de colon în stadiul IV. Am verificat soluția pe internet, apoi am ajuns în mod miraculos, prin dr. Itua, medicul puternic care vindecă numeroase boli, cum ar fi: cancerul tiroidian, cancerul uterin, fibromul, angiopatia, ataxia, artrita, scolioza laterală amiotrofică, tumora cerebrală, fibromialgia, toxicitatea fluorochinolonei, cancerul de vezică, cancerul creierului, hiv, herpes, cancer esofagian, cancerul biliar, gestational , Cancer de cap și gât, limfom Hodgkin
    Cancer intestinal, cancer renal, VPH, cancer pulmonar, melanom, mezoteliom, mielom multiplu, tumori neuroendocrine
    Limfom non-Hodgkin, cancer oral, cancer ovarian, cancer sinusal, hepatita A, B / C, cancer de piele, sarcom de țesuturi moi, cancer pancreativ, cancer de coloană vertebrală, cancer de stomac, cancer vaginal, cancer vulgar,
    Cancer testicular, boli Tach, leucemie, cancer la ficat, cancer la gât,
    Sindrom Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresScleroza, boala Alzheimer, Diaree cronică, Copd, Parkinson, Als, Carcinom adrenocortical Mononucleoză infecțioasă. , așa că l-am contactat bazându-mă pe mărturiile pe care le văd despre el pe internet, am fost vindecat și de el, am luat legătura cu el astăzi prin e-mailul pe care îl poate ajuta ..drituaherbalcenter @ și medicamentele sale pe bază de plante te eliberezi de orice boli umane, toate îți mulțumesc Dr. Itua pentru ajutorul tău bun în viața mea numărul mobil Whatsapp. +2348149277967
